Trailer brake repair can be a matter of life and death

Trailer brake repair and trailer brake troubleshooting are a lifesaver. Without properly functioning trailer brakes the odds of being involved in a rear-end collision skyrocket, can end up jackknifing and potential rollover.

Schedule a trailer brake repair or trailer brake service at Torklift Central today.  

Here is a white-knuckle video with a fully loaded 40-ton Volvo tractor-trailer that shows how effective a trailer brake system is at safely halting a significant load.

Trailer brake inspection can be a matter of life and death 

Unfortunately for the average person hauling a trailer equipped with trailer brakes, their rig is most likely not equipped with a Collision Warning and Emergency Brake system as this highly-advanced Volvo truck is.  The responsibility is yours to ensure you give yourself adequate stopping distance to avoid an accident in an emergency braking situation. 

A trailer brake inspection is vitally important to ensure your trailer brakes are able to do their job. 

Whether you have hydraulic trailer brakes or electric trailer brakes there are several easy ways to conduct your own trailer brake troubleshooting. 

How to identify necessary trailer brake repairs:

Trailer brake repair can stop the ‘pushing’ feeling

1.  ‘Pushing’ sensation

If your trailer gives you the sensation that it is ‘pushing’ your tow vehicle when you attempt to slow or stop, your trailer brakes are not up to snuff and need to be inspected. 

Strange noises can indicate trailer brake failure

 2.  Strange noises

Any noise from your trailer brakes is a telltale sign of impending trailer brake failure.  Scraping, squealing, grating and other unnatural noises that occur could very likely be due to faulty trailer brakes.

Fluid leakage can occur with hydraulic trailer brakes 

3.  Fluid leakage

If your trailer is equipped with hydraulic brakes, any fluid that is dripping from your trailer or pooling below it is an indication that there is a leak in your trailer brake lines.  Lower than normal brake fluid in your trailer’s brake fluid reservoir is also a strong signal trailer brake repair is needed. 

Don’t let your trailer brakes be a backseat driver. Contact Torklift Central today for complete trailer service, repair and custom fabrication. 

Torklift Central


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315 Central Ave N 
Kent, Wash. 98032